Friday, November 11, 2005
Just started work at next its only tempory though so i dont even know if they will end up keeping me on or notm,i hope they do as i really need a job.
Ive just left from Beatties but it seems like ages and i have no money...luckly i get piad weekly while im a temp here.
its dead boring at the minute though they wouldnt let me on the tills for a couple of days but now i can its alot easier.
Carlene my manager seems a bit of a bitch, when i met her on monday she was looking me up an down..(i keep tellin myself its cause she knows i can take her job hehe) its really driving me up the wall and theres only so much i can take before i end up blasting my mouth off. On my 2nd day she told me i wasnt alowerd to wear my green cashmere wrap around as it had a coupl of bobbles on and "made NEXT Quality look bad" that was it, i lost it..i turned round to her and said well if your going to give me some extra money each week to go and buy some clothes suitable then fair enough, if not get of my case. she shut up then and hasnt said anything since...
well thats it for now post soon
lunardancer danced till dawn at 2:06 PM